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From Quiet Quitting to Quiet Thriving: How Targeted Surveys Can Boost Engagement and Retention

From Quiet Quitting to Quiet Thriving: How Targeted Surveys Can Boost Engagement and Retention

Quiet Quitting, the term echoing through the employment market, signifies a concerning trend where employees exhibit minimal commitment to their work. Regardless of the organization's size, from thriving startups to large corporations, this phenomenon has become a top concern. While the term gained popularity in 2022, the behavior it encapsulates has been present for an extended period.

The Essence of Quiet Quitting:

Quiet quitting manifests as employees' reluctance to go the extra mile, often stemming from an organization's failure to establish a meaningful and strong relationship with its workforce. Those practicing quiet quitting intentionally limit their efforts, aiming to maintain a healthy work-life balance or preserve their well-being in high-pressure and unsatisfactory work environments.

Organizational Dynamics and Quiet Quitting:

When it comes to organizational dynamics, a quiet quitter, when faced with a poor work experience, tends to exhibit restrained commitment. Surveys consistently highlight a reciprocal effect, where employees experiencing a lack of career growth, unsatisfactory work culture, inadequate pay structures, or an imbalanced work-life exhibit decreased personal commitment. This, in turn, fuels the emergence of quiet quitting tendencies as a responsive behavior to perceived organizational neglect.

Enabling Effective Decision-Making

AI technologies provide organizations with advanced analytics and predictive capabilities, empowering them to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns, AI systems can assist in identifying trends, predicting outcomes, and even suggesting optimal courses of action. This ability to harness the power of data allows businesses to make more informed decisions, leading to improved efficiency, reduced risks, and increased employee satisfaction. When employees witness the positive impact of data-driven decision-making, they feel more confident in the organization's direction and are motivated to contribute their best efforts.

Beyond Generational Boundaries:

While quiet quitting is often associated with the Millennial Generation and Generation Z, it transcends age boundaries. Even older employees, post-pandemic, express dissatisfaction with their experiences with employers, contributing to the quiet quitting phenomenon.

Surveying Solutions for Quiet Quitting:

To address the challenge of quiet quitting, organizations can leverage the power of employee engagement surveys strategically. Here's how:

Identify Disengagement Patterns:

  • Utilize structured survey approaches to understand factors contributing to disengagement.
  • Analyze responses to identify patterns and specific areas of disconnection.

Uncover Root Causes:

  • Use survey questions to delve into reasons behind limited commitment and feelings of disconnection.
  • Identify aspects of the work environment, leadership, or culture contributing to the issue.

Gauge Job Satisfaction:

  • Assess job satisfaction levels to pinpoint areas for improvement in roles or responsibilities.

Evaluate Leadership Effectiveness:

  • Include questions assessing perceptions of leadership, management, and supervision.
  • Identify leadership gaps contributing to quiet quitting.

Measure Communication Effectiveness:

  • Examine information flow within the organization and enhance transparency based on survey feedback.

Assess Work-Life Balance:

  • Explore perceptions of work-life balance to make adjustments and reduce burnout.

Seek Employee Input on Solutions:

  • Include open-ended questions to gather input and co-create strategies with employees.

Monitor Changes Over Time:

  • Conduct regular surveys to track changes in employee sentiment.
  • Assess the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing quiet quitting.

Create Action Plans:

  • Develop plans based on survey findings, communicating commitment to positive change.

Implement Continuous Feedback Mechanisms:

  • Establish ongoing feedback mechanisms for real-time understanding of employee sentiment.

Acknowledge limitations, emphasize strengths:

  • While acknowledging that surveys alone may not capture every nuance, highlight their value as a powerful starting point for understanding employee sentiment.
  • Frame surveys as a collaboration tool, emphasizing their ability to gather broad input and pinpoint areas for deeper exploration through other methods like focus groups.


Strategically leveraging employee engagement surveys empowers organizations to gain valuable insights into the reasons behind quiet quitting. By implementing targeted interventions, companies can foster a more engaged and committed workforce, ensuring a thriving and dynamic workplace.


1 : Is "quiet quitting" actually quitting?

Answer : It's important to remember that 'quiet quitting' doesn't mean physically leaving your job. Instead, it describes a mindset shift where employees prioritize fulfilling their core job duties without going the extra mile or taking on additional responsibilities. They're essentially 'doing their job, not their life'.

2 : What are the motivations behind quiet quitting?

Answer : The reasons for this trend are multifaceted. Some common factors include:

  • Burnout: Chronic overwork and unrealistic expectations can lead to exhaustion and disillusionment, prompting employees to dial back their effort.
  • Lack of work-life balance: When work encroaches on personal life, employees may disengage to reclaim their time and well-being.
  • Unfulfilled needs: Unclear career paths, inadequate recognition, and feeling undervalued can also contribute to a disengaged attitude.

3 : Is quiet quitting contagious? Can it spread within a team or organization?

Answer : Yes, there is a risk of quiet quitting becoming contagious. Disengagement can be fueled by observation, where seeing colleagues disengage might normalize and amplify the behavior for others. It's crucial to address underlying issues early on to prevent a domino effect.

4 : How can managers identify and address potential cases of quiet quitting?

Answer : Open communication is key. Regular one-on-one meetings, performance reviews, and surveys can help identify disengagement before it becomes entrenched. Managers can then actively listen to concerns, address workload issues, and explore ways to rekindle employee motivation.

5 : How can employers combat quiet quitting?

Answer : Creating a positive work environment that fosters engagement is key. Here are some strategies:

  • Prioritize employee well-being: Implement flexible work arrangements, encourage breaks, and promote healthy work-life balance.
  • Foster open communication: Encourage regular feedback exchanges, address concerns promptly, and create a culture of trust.
  • Invest in employee development: Provide opportunities for growth, learning, and career advancement.
  • Recognize and reward contributions: Acknowledge achievements, celebrate successes, and offer meaningful incentives.


Poonam Pratap Dev
Sr. Associate- Survey & Assessment