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 How are feedback and productivity co-related?

How are feedback and productivity co-related?

In any organization, employee’s operational feedback is very crucial to help any organization grow. Feedback lets the organization identify what its employees think, what are their possible concerns, etc. Employee feedback assists with underlining the upsides and downsides of an employee which, is a roundabout way of assists with improving the employees' efficiency that can bring about the organization development all the while.

There are several forms of employee feedback surveys and programs that are held in order to understand:

  • How employees feel about their companies.
  • What can be done to improve their work environment
  • How can their efforts be better channelized for goal attainment
  • How can they improve their performance.

Why feedbacks are necessary and how it helps in the Organization

There are several ways to understand the necessity of feedback and how it helps in the growth of the organization. Here are few points that explain the necessity of feedbacks in the organization :

  • Feedbacks help to know the employees’ productivity and attributes.
  • It graphs the employees’ behavior and interests.
  • It helps to know the involvement of the employee in the organization and his or her concern about the organization.
  • It helps the organization to think about each worker's record and activities which are further examined and choices are additionally made dependent on that which may incorporate an advancement, downgrade, recruiting, and freedom of the employees relying on their advancement graph.
  • Feedbacks help to engage with each employee as employees' commitment is vital in the organization.
  • It participates in all sources of employee pursuit such that it can acknowledge the need and importance of the employee.
  • It helps the employee to know the organization and his team from inside as it converges with all the components of human resource management as human resource management plays a very important role in the organization because it takes care of all the social and professional activity on the premises of the organization.
  • Employee engagement surveys help to fulfil this kind of needs and demands in the organization where all the employees are kept in very closed visuals.
  • Feedback is done here, going about as input for the organization that described the details of each employee working in the organization that would again be used to build the employees’ persistence, proficiency, and productivity rate.

In short, feedback is a source of –

feedback is a source of

Image source : Question Pro

How productivity can be increased through feedback and what are the measures that can be taken to increase the productivity through feedback

Productivity can only be increased in the organization when managers will guide their employees on solving their problems instead of worrying and discussing them. There are several ways in which productivity can be increased through feedback. Some of them are listed below:

● Get better managerial efforts

Managers are the leaders in the organization and it is their sole duty to focus on their employees by counselling them on their professional and personal attributes. When managers stay connected to their employees, it encourages their beliefs and motivates them to be focused on their work.

● Stronger communication

Good communication always resolves the problem thus, managers should always talk to their employees and discuss their problems. Sometimes the issues can be personal and sometimes it could be that of a professional. A manager must know how to tackle both aspects equally and sincerely.

● Elevated Manager Effectiveness

The key is understand how your employees feel about their leadership. Remember, employees don’t leave companies, they leave their managers. Gathering insights around manager’s behavior, leadership qualities, and effectiveness will offer an intel on what can be done differently for ongoing development and easing out business transformation. Manager capabilities and behaviors have a big impact on an employee’s performance levels & ability to succeed.

Measures to increase the productivity in an organization through feedback.

● Use feedback tools

Feedback tools are one of the major ways to gather feedback and take the right actions to increase productivity at the organization. There are several kinds of feedback tools available which can be used for collecting employee feedback. To name a few, there’s Employee Satisfaction Survey, 360-degree feedback, Employee Onboarding Survey, Exit Survey, etc.

● Set your goals

Feedback helps organizations to know their employees’ mindset towards their work. Organizations can set goals and targets for their employees. When employees understand how their work is related to certain target achievement, they are better aligned to work, more engaged and hence more productive.

● Build a Feedback Friendly Culture

Giving & receiving feedback is one of the prime ways for teams to get better t what they do. Create a feedback-friendly culture at your organization. One where people see feedback as a way to stay committed, productive, get better results.

How productivity can be increased

Image source : Unsplash


Feedback and reviews are an intrinsic part of any organization and are an essential form of information that every organization must retain to maintain the growth ratio and the productivity of the employee in an organization. Feedback and productivity are co-related to each other in terms of the growth of the employee and the organization as a whole.


1 : How does employee feedback impact productivity in an organization?

Answer : Employee feedback directly impacts productivity by providing insights into employees' perceptions and experiences. It helps identify areas of improvement and strengths, enabling managers to make informed decisions. Positive feedback boosts morale and motivation, leading to increased engagement and productivity. Conversely, constructive feedback helps employees understand areas where they need to improve, fostering a culture of continuous development and efficiency.

2 : What types of employee feedback surveys are commonly used in organizations?

Answer : Organizations typically use various types of employee feedback surveys, including Employee Satisfaction Surveys, 360-degree feedback, Employee Onboarding Surveys, and Exit Surveys. Each serves a differentpurpose - from understanding overall job satisfaction to gathering insights on leadership effectiveness and reasons behind employee turnover.

3 : Can feedback tools effectively increase organizational productivity?

Answer : Yes, feedback tools can effectively increase productivity. They provide a structured way to gather and analyze employee feedback, enabling organizations to pinpoint specific areas needing attention. By addressing these areas, companies can improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, their productivity. Feedback tools also help in setting clear goals, aligning employee efforts with organizational objectives.

4 : What role do managers play in linking feedback to productivity?

Answer : Managers play a crucial role in linking feedback to productivity. They are responsible for providing timely and constructive feedback to their team members. Effective managers use feedback to guide employees in solving problems and improving performance. Additionally, they create an environment where feedback is openly shared and acted upon, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce.

5 : How can organizations build a feedback-friendly culture?

Answer : To build a feedback-friendly culture, organizations should encourage open and honest communication. Training programs on giving and receiving feedback can help create a more receptive environment. Regular feedback sessions, both formal and informal, should be institutionalized. Recognizing and appreciating employees who actively participate in the feedback process can also foster a positive attitude towards feedback.

6 : What are the challenges in implementing effective feedback systems?

Answer : Implementing effective feedback systems can be challenging due to potential resistance from employees and managers, lack of proper training on how to give and receive feedback, and fear of negative consequences. Additionally, without a systematic approach and tools to gather and analyze feedback, it can be difficult to translate feedback into actionable insights.


This post is contributed by Abhishek Paul, Digital Marketer at zipBoard, besides being a full-time marketer he likes to travel and explore new places who also believes in the quote “If you can dream it, you can achieve it”